20 Days of Handmade: Vtopian Artisan Cheese

vtopian cheeseIf you know me, you know I am particular about my vegan cheeses. And I am very pleased that a new Eugene, Oregon, based company started this year so I can get good local vegan cheese. Vtopian Artisan Cheeses did a sampling at Food Fight Grocery and I was hooked.

Pictured is their new chive and dill wedge, which is my current favorite but I also have a maple seitan cheeseball waiting in my fridge now. I love how creamy their products are without so much of the lemon flavor I taste in a lot of other vegan cheeses.

I’m also thrilled that Vtopian will be tabling at the Handmade Holiday Pop Up Shop at Herbivore on December 18, from 4-8 pm. Stop by to try some of their product!