Tag Archives: welcome

PandaWithCookie.com Is Live

Welcome, welcome stargazers! I am so pleased to introduce my brand new website for Panda With Cookie! Things have been quiet on the panda front lately as work and attention has gone to building this new site.

I’ve been working on this since the beginning of the year with the help of my partner P. Cole (of Sweetpea sandwich fame). As etsy has changed policies over the years I have found the site to be less and less friendly to the small handmade business. I pledged in October that the 2013 holiday season would be my last there. In January plans began for my own independent website and lo and behold! We are here!

I will also be relaunching my long dormant blog with some new weekly features and updates. Some of my favorite bloggers such as Amey at Vegan Eats and Treats and Mihl at the fabulous Seitan Is My Motor have rekindled my interest in creating new blog content for the fun and community of blogging. There will be features on other creative people, vegan food, craft intrigue, and the patented Panda Tablescape.

Thanks for joining me here and please enjoy a look around the new space!