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Happy Halloween from Panda With Cookie

Happy Halloween! It’s our favorite holiday here at Panda With Cookie headquarters! I wanted to leave a few photos from years past to reminisce on. It is time for all things orange, cooler nights, and cats who want to eat your pumpkin bars.

Happy Halloween! Jack o lanterns

Our latest pumpkins carved in Portland.

Mr Bran moves on the pumpkin chocolate chip bars

Mr Bran moves in on the pumpkin chocolate chip bars in Asheville.

pumpkin cheesecake

Pumpkin cheesecake pie from Joni Marie Newman’s Just the Food.

Pumpkin cheddar biscuits

Pumpkin cheddar biscuits. A long ago recipe from Bianca at Vegan Crunk.

Happy Halloween

Our first carved jack o’ lanterns in Portland.

Food That Looks Like My Cat: Applesauce Bread

A friend recently sent me a great old spiral bound cookbook from the Sandwich Community Hospital in Sandwich, Illinois titled Ladies Auxiliary Favorite Recipes.

Ladies Auxiliary Cookbook    I remember this type of cookbook well from my youth. A group would gather recipes from the community and send them off to be spiral bound as a fundraiser for the VFW ladies auxiliary or the volunteer fire department. Each person would get credit on their recipe and if you bought the cookbook you would know most of the people inside. And had likely tried a few dishes as well.

vegan applesauce bread

I’ve decided to veganize some of the recipes from this cookbook to see how they turn out, starting with Mrs. J. Leonard’s applesauce bread. I’ll have a recipe and review posted here tomorrow. After the loaf came out of the oven, smelling quite autumnal, I noticed that it bore a resemblance to a certain ginger cat.

applesauce loafAnd indeed, the applesauce loaf from the Ladies Auxiliary Favorite Recipes is a very close match for George. Stay tuned tomorrow for the recipe!

Food That Looks Like My Cat: Cinnamon Rolls

Back by popular demand! Food that looks like my cat!

This topic was a big hit during Vegan MoFo so I’ll be bringing you more brown-ish and orange-ish foods that look like my brown-ish and orange-ish cat named George.

Today I present cinnamon rolls. I highly recommend the recipe from Vegan Brunch by Isa Chandra Moskowitz. Easy to make, easy to proof overnight, easy to eat. And always delicious.

cinnamon rolls

George had no interest in getting out of bed in the wee hours to look at sweet sweet cinnamon rolls, so I took the pan to him to compare.

The verdict? Not bad. I decided to not make a sugary glaze to drizzle on the cat to further the comparison.

Food That Looks Like My Cat: Mini Fondant Cake

I wanted to take a slightly different tack this week for Food That Looks Like My Cat. So I made a food that would absolutely look like George. Behold! The George mini cake!

george-cake-1I used the easy bake oven recipe for a lil’ yellow cake from The 100 Best Vegan Baking Recipes from Kris Holcheck. Then I got creative with the fondant and dyed and rolled out a wee George face to top it.


George inspects his likeness and gives the George Seal Of Approval, which is just a look slightly above disdain for the panda monkey’s nonsense.


The lil’ yellow cake cut open.

food that looks like my cat

Food That Looks Like My Cat: Seitan Burgers

I love Joni Marie Newman’s seitan burgers from her book The Best Veggie Burgers on the Planet. We make them often and I noticed they might qualify as a food that looks like my cat. These are super simple to mix up and bake and they always turn out great. Sometimes I stuff them with cheese and bacos but more often these days I just make them plain and load up on the toppings. For the purposes of making food that looks like my cat, I just put the burger on my standard whole wheat bun.

seitan burger

Shout out to brown food! Although George was willing to sit with the seitan burger, George did not appear very interested in it. However, the seitan burger is indeed a food that looks like my cat.


Food That Looks Like My Cat: Cheddar Biscuits

As I made some Bisquick cheddar biscuits yesterday in the Rollie, I though perhaps if they were baked, the biscuits might qualify as a food that looks like my cat. The Rollie doesn’t really brown food, so I did some more mix and popped a small batch in the oven. The results:

bisquick biscuits

I am a fan of these biscuits and have heard they are reminiscent of the Red Lobster biscuits. I have never eaten at Red Lobster but I do like garlic and I do like cheezey biscuits.

George was in no mood for sitting when I tried to photograph him next to the biscuits. Maybe George doesn’t like garlic. Maybe George just never sits still from the hours of nine to eleven AM.  But even with this blurry photo you can see that the Bisquick cheddar garlic biscuits are a lighter color than George and thus not the best candidate for food that looks like my cat.

food that looks like my cat

Food That Looks Like My Cat: Coffee

This is a fun new theme this year for Vegan Mofo! It’s a whole month of Thursdays that feature food that looks like my cat George. This is George.

catAnd sometimes this is George.

GeorgeY’all know that I think brown food tastes best, and since George is brown-ish in color and often lays around like a loaf, I decided to do some side by side comparisons to see what foods most resemble George the cat.


My lovely man friend Paul likes his coffee. He likes his fancy coffee, with scales and hand grinders and thermometers and Aero Presses and in this case homemade macadamia nut milk. In the ever present mason jar, no less. I thought it looked like George, so we put it to the test.

catThe fancy coffee drink it a bit lighter in color than George but not a bad match. George was ultimately not interested in partaking of the fancy coffee drink and continued to sit on the cat rug contemplating deep thoughts.

Meet George the Cat


Meet George, the new cat in charge at Panda With Cookie headquarters! We adopted him just two weeks ago from the Cat Adoption Team in Portland, Oregon. George’s likes include food, carrying shoes to the bed in the middle of the night, and slowly expanding and stretching during the night to take over a good one third of the bed. His dislikes include not having food, being told to get off the work table, and not having food.


George is clearly a thinking cat, pondering deep thoughts about the Fibonacci sequence and the Pythagorean theorem. Just out of view here is his notebook and pen where he works mightily at unraveling the tangled math equations that will result in a)opening the closet door, b)pulling out the food bag, and c)getting into the food bag for a 3 am bacchanalia.

He’ll be making many appearances here on the new blog and you can follow us over on Instagram to see what he gets up to on a daily basis.