This is a fun new theme this year for Vegan Mofo! It’s a whole month of Thursdays that feature food that looks like my cat George. This is George.
And sometimes this is George.
Y’all know that I think brown food tastes best, and since George is brown-ish in color and often lays around like a loaf, I decided to do some side by side comparisons to see what foods most resemble George the cat.

My lovely man friend Paul likes his coffee. He likes his fancy coffee, with scales and hand grinders and thermometers and Aero Presses and in this case homemade macadamia nut milk. In the ever present mason jar, no less. I thought it looked like George, so we put it to the test.
The fancy coffee drink it a bit lighter in color than George but not a bad match. George was ultimately not interested in partaking of the fancy coffee drink and continued to sit on the cat rug contemplating deep thoughts.